A last jump into St.-Germain piscine.
I wish Carolg would stop saying,'Je neige'
when she means 'J'ai nager'..ahem
when she means 'J'ai nager'..ahem
The flipflop saleswoman at Monop laughed de trop.
Post-swim a last 'reward' from nearby Pierre Herme. Ooops no kouign amann left.
But we fell for 'Gourmandise Constellation'
Back in the rue running home we wolfed down the PH kouglof studed with dried fruit.
oh la la - quelle crunch!
The Gourmandise Constellation can NOT be eaten in the street.
Then a mad rush to make order of French Girl's appart...eek
Then a mad rush to RER B -> CDG!!
Bear got to browse the pelouches again.
Bear's brightest idea ever...
A 5-minute deep full-body massage for a mere 2 € near AirFrance's gate.
The trip home was amazingly pleasent thanks to that massage perhaps.
Carolg is back doing the stairs hourly
(not Parisian escalier malheueusement).
She has to get thin for Paris!
House sitting for all of July and August is on the menu PBers.
Yahoo :)