As you slide gingerly onto the MRI table, you don't expect to see a 'blanket' of pink cherry blossoms overhead. It's very cheering and leads you to expect more pink to follow... But no, they don't give you a pink paper hat to wear whilst inside getting zapped. Nor do they wrap you in pink sheets(like French Girl sleeps in every night). No decorative pink tassels (again c/o French Girl) hanging from the equipment, though it would certainement be an improvement... It can get breezy inside an MRI, but they've forgotten to provide a proper pink scarf to wrap around you neck...
After you're finished (and have survived!) the ordeal, no pink truck comes to pick you up malheureusement...
Nor are you assisted out of your surgical gown by aides in hot pink aprons - whyever not?
A post-MRI snack would be very welcome, especially in pink, but dream on...
Snacking under pink umbrellas wouldn't be remiss...
A hello from a rose in the Rodin museum garden - M.I.A.