You go to the museum (in this case yesterday at the Metropolitan's new exhibit of Haremhab, the Egyptian general who became king) and all you notice is the elegant flat tums!

Between an elegant flat tum or an elegant chausson aux pommes...

munch munch
If it meant not looking as svelt and nubile as these Egyptian beauties?
Particularly with the HM Lanvin collection opening this Saturday!?
Again at the Met another uncanny likeness of designer Alber Elbaz

Oh why did I give in to temptation?
What would YOU have done?

How will you fit into my gowns this Saturday?!
God only knows...
There are so many museums to visit-don't miss this one in Paris by going on a Tuesday. Mais faites attention!
God only knows...

They have FOUR video screens hidden by the cash register to catch undercover pastry sleuths. They let me off this time...
BONJOUR HM/LANVIN + MET/Haremhab + Des Gateaux & du Pain!