Quite a few of you said you'd like to see more Paris Momssvp.Surprise - I found Paris streets full of Paris dads! My French friend, M. assured me these are not all divorced daddies out walking their kiddiewinks. Paris dads start taking their offspring to la musee early. Dads were spotted waiting online at the Basquiat expos.
M. say Paris moms are highly skilled at getting dad to pitch in, while they go shopping/faire la course.
A dad on rue de Rivoli.
Both Paris and London have designated area for baby poussettes on the bus, so please move aside when you see one boarding.
These two bebes were having a tete a tete at the Salon du Chocolat. French kids do not miss out on much.
Here a Paris dad has a 'doudou' tucked under his arm for safe keeping.
A future Paris dad-to-be gets training in poussette walking.
This Paris dad prefers to carry his adorable bebe.
Were you out at the crack of dawn catching all the rock-bottom bargains?
BEAR was dreaming he was back in the duty-free shops of Paris' Charles de Gaulle airport grabbing up the Frenchie bargains... T-shirts for bears... This 'I WAS IN PARIS' Tee was very appealing... Not to mention the endless supply... Of other bears... And Eiffel Towers up the whazoo at CDG... In every color of the rainbow.
Bear was wishing he'd bought this dapper neckerchief perhaps made by Lanvin..?
Clemence....Hmmm...At first I wasn't quite sure if I liked her but now I have decided that I'm in love with her style...She's so delicate and chic...She's a true French girl...She's a Karl Lagerfeld muse and she always stands up for CHANEL...
Love the fact that her way of dressing is never affected by the new trends...She always remains so romantic and vintage...
Cold at last...I was soo happy to feel it...It's pouring outside and -although I don't like rain- I feel soo utterly happy sitting in my sofe next to the stove...Ooooo right now I'm listening to Dido's song "Here with me" which actually is one of my favourites because it reminds me of Christmas..And that's because that song was played at "Love Actually" a movie I stongly recommend to all of u...