I've been using a cotton bud/my finger to scoop it out the pot, and I rub it on moisturised lips, and give a thorough, but not rough scrub, making sure all the rough skin goes. I feel like this is going to be super useful in the summer when my lips catch the sun, as they're bound to do. And then you can have scrummy, smooth lips! I wear a lot of lipstick, especially bright colours where it's awkward to reapply lipbalm often, so this stops them from looking too dried out, which I much prefer, don't you think?
Lush Bubblegum Lip Scrub Review
To be honest, when I was at the counter with this, I did feel a little guilty buying it, because I know you can make this at home with olive oil and sugar.. but when it's only £4.50 and it tastes amazingly like bubblegum.. well, as soon as I tried it on, I didn't feel so guilty!

It's £4.50. comes in a very convenient little pot, and you do get 25g, which is going to last you a little while! I know it has a sell by date on it, but sugar is going to last quite a while, to be fair! It comes in two other flavours/scents, I don't remember the names but one was minty and the other chocolate.. so whatever floats your boat, really!

I've been using a cotton bud/my finger to scoop it out the pot, and I rub it on moisturised lips, and give a thorough, but not rough scrub, making sure all the rough skin goes. I feel like this is going to be super useful in the summer when my lips catch the sun, as they're bound to do. And then you can have scrummy, smooth lips! I wear a lot of lipstick, especially bright colours where it's awkward to reapply lipbalm often, so this stops them from looking too dried out, which I much prefer, don't you think?
I've been using a cotton bud/my finger to scoop it out the pot, and I rub it on moisturised lips, and give a thorough, but not rough scrub, making sure all the rough skin goes. I feel like this is going to be super useful in the summer when my lips catch the sun, as they're bound to do. And then you can have scrummy, smooth lips! I wear a lot of lipstick, especially bright colours where it's awkward to reapply lipbalm often, so this stops them from looking too dried out, which I much prefer, don't you think?