That out of the way with... My latest obsession is nails nails nails! I didn't realise this blog was so nail-centric, but mine have grown excellently these last few months and I love showing them off, haha.
I went into town with my mum this weekend (Bank Holiday weekend, what a mistake!) and picked up a couple of polishes. One of them being this gorgeous China Glaze colour, Turned Up Turquoise. The bottle captures my heart instantly, because it's the same colour as a car my mum used to own. I got it in Sally's on Saturday and they currently have a buy one, get the second half price deal, so I'm all over that at the moment! I also got Dorothy Who? but I'll save that for another post! So I picked it up without looking at the label and bought it, because I was in a bit of a hurry, and it wasn't until my mum was swatching it in the car home that I realised it was a neon!
Now I have a bit of a love hate with this formula. I'm trying to keep up with this matte-trend, but at heart, I love glittery, glitzy, glossy nails! So my natural reaction is to put a top-coat on them, because then they really shine, and you can see all the fantastic micro-shimmers in them. I get home and realise I've run out of top-coat. Sigh, story of my life! Haha. Anyway, I picked up a cheap bottle of Rimmel top-coat over the bank-holiday weekend (which I'm pleasantly surprised with actually!) and here it is.

Generally I adore the colour of neons, because I love anything that's super bright, and these fit the bill. This is Turned-Up Turquoise, and I think they retail for about £5.49 or something like that, but you can get them online for much cheaper, so shop around! Like I said, my mum used to own a car this exact same colour, it's the perfect turquoise green-blue, haha. I wore it on my fingers and toes on a night out with a beige top, black leggings and peep-toed heels, and really liked the way I looked altogether.

This is the other one that I can find, because I misplaced my bottle of Purple Panic when I was taking pictures.. but hey, we'll make this a green post! This is In The Lime Light, a perfectly awesome, highlighter green, that seems to glow in the sunshine. Both In The Lime Light and Purple Panic seem to have a blue micro-shimmer that the top-coat really brings out. As you can see here, you can still see my nail-line, so you're gonna need to layer up some coats, but it dries fairly quickly.
The internet tells me that these are also, all from The Wow Factor collection, and were re-released with the Ink collection more recently. However, they've had these colours for a while in my local Sally's, so have a gander. (: I'll try and post Purple Panic some time in the future!
Both of these make me feel so excited for summer, and today the temperature in double digits and so lovely and warm that me and my friends got a takeaway for dinner and ate outside! haha. Definitely looking forward to spring, spring, spring, and much much much more importantly, summer! (:
I went into town with my mum this weekend (Bank Holiday weekend, what a mistake!) and picked up a couple of polishes. One of them being this gorgeous China Glaze colour, Turned Up Turquoise. The bottle captures my heart instantly, because it's the same colour as a car my mum used to own. I got it in Sally's on Saturday and they currently have a buy one, get the second half price deal, so I'm all over that at the moment! I also got Dorothy Who? but I'll save that for another post! So I picked it up without looking at the label and bought it, because I was in a bit of a hurry, and it wasn't until my mum was swatching it in the car home that I realised it was a neon!
Now I have a bit of a love hate with this formula. I'm trying to keep up with this matte-trend, but at heart, I love glittery, glitzy, glossy nails! So my natural reaction is to put a top-coat on them, because then they really shine, and you can see all the fantastic micro-shimmers in them. I get home and realise I've run out of top-coat. Sigh, story of my life! Haha. Anyway, I picked up a cheap bottle of Rimmel top-coat over the bank-holiday weekend (which I'm pleasantly surprised with actually!) and here it is.
The internet tells me that these are also, all from The Wow Factor collection, and were re-released with the Ink collection more recently. However, they've had these colours for a while in my local Sally's, so have a gander. (: I'll try and post Purple Panic some time in the future!
Both of these make me feel so excited for summer, and today the temperature in double digits and so lovely and warm that me and my friends got a takeaway for dinner and ate outside! haha. Definitely looking forward to spring, spring, spring, and much much much more importantly, summer! (: