This polaroid of the backstage from Bernhard Willhelm S/S 2010 reminds me of the crazy dream I had tonight.
I can't really remember from who the fashion show I dreamed about was and I don't know why I was sitting at the first row. All other seats have been empty, except two, a couple of seats away from me. Anna Wintour was there with her husband waiting for the show to start. It was a very weird menswear collection! A model drove a miniature mustang at the runway and came in our direction. He hit the car against the seats that separated me from Anna Wintour and then he streched his arm with an inflatable baseball bat out of the car window and hit Anna three times in the head! Her hairstyle was all messy! I was speechless and she looked shocked at me.
Anna Wintour complained with the designer (it was a woman!) after the show and I was there just listening...
I'm so tired of my fashion week nightmares! In my dreams I always lose my photography gear, can't go inside the shows or arrive late! Do you have dreams like that too?