The 1st

Main Entry: 1sin·gu·lar
Pronunciation: \ˈsiŋ-gyə-lər\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English singuler, from Anglo-French, from Latin singularis, from singulus only one — more at SINGLE
Date: 14th century

1 a: of or relating to a separate person or thing : INDIVIDUAL b: of, relating to, or being a word form denoting one person, thing, or instance (a singular noun) c: of or relating to a single instance or to something considered by itself

2: distinguished by superiority : EXCEPTIONAL (an artist of singular attainments)

3: being out of the ordinary : UNUSUAL (on the way home we had a singular adventure)

4: departing from general usage or expectation : PECULIAR, ODD (the air had a singular chill)
5 aof a matrix : having a determinant equal to zero bof a linear transformation : having the property that the matrix of coefficients of the new variables has a determinant equal to zero

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