
I can't believe it is september already! Can you?

I'm still looking for the summer thief! Yes, my summer was stolen.. or flooded actually.
Flooded under rain. I love Europe, i really do. But sometimes the weather can be just your (or mine) worst enemy.
I love every seasons : The beautiful color of fall, the fun snowbattles and the sweet sweet Christmas season in winter, the rebirth of everything and the peaceful vibes of spring and then, finally, the great laziness and the happy feeling of summer.

And that's precisely what miss me this year!

Okay, i'm sure you guys get my point by now.

In Summer 2011 we did/went/meet :

- a lot of picnics on the docks
- visit every part of Paris
- eat in a lot of different and new places
- celebrated July 14th
- saw Aaron in concert
- went to comedy shows
- celebrated July 21th (National Day in Belgium)
- a cruise on the Seine
- watched ALOT of tvshows
- took a roadtrip to south
- see my family
- enjoy the pool like kids
- get a sunburn (her)
- win a record of apnea (him)
- wear flip-flops (exactly 5 days)
- painting & art (him again)
- saw a shooting star
- went to London ( her)
- went to a festival
And even have a pay raise at work! (for her)

So you know what? I'm really excited about fall (ahaha!).
This season will involved:

- a hair change (for her) (and maybe for him too, after all)
- buying new clothes
- the quest of a perfect dufflecoat
- going to Brussels see families and friends
- prepare our Canadian gataway
- Reading a lot of good books
- prepare our big roadtrip across the USA (will be the topic of an other post)
- and a lot of other projects!

Yayyy for fall (even if it doensn't officially begin for another 20 days)  :)

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