
J. is peacefully asleep next to me, i wish i can do the same.
Today was kind of a weird day, we move out from our room i was telling you about... Of course we know it will happend, that was just temporary ( since Mj's place was sold ) but i start to really feel sick of moving every two months.
We had a great time with roomates, and we have spent a great summer over there but now, since the parisian real estate is completely stuck, we ended crashing at a friend house.
Yep, at this very moment, J. and I are sleeping in a big and tasteful living room from my great friend D. It's like a camping trip with mattress and pillows and suitcases everywhere! I try to not waking up J. with keybord noise and computer light. I'm also watching a 11/09 tribute which waking me really sad...
Of course that is also a temporary situation.
We found a new place, but it is available only on October 1st. Which mean we have to live 3 more weeks like this.
Then, after that, NOMORE moving before next summer and the big USA RoadTrip and our Canadian experience!
 Honestly i can't wait.. Alot have change for me in a couple of months and i feel so lost sometimes.
 Let's Hope things calm down a bit, i really need some rest.


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