At first we thought we could read.........

Dear followers and not,

Three days ago my friend Marina and I,thought that instead of reading home alone we could go to a pretty little coffee shop in order to study!That coffee shop is my favourite one and it's like it came out from another period.Well,this is what we tried to do at first..Soooo after we had studied and chatted at the same time we started taking pics.And then Chris arrived(beloved friend too)!He was in a kind of a mockering mood and he couldn't stop making fun of us the end he joined the spirit..:)It's not a proper photoshoot but I kinda like a lot all the pics..Hope you like them too..:)

P.S:Marina didn't want me to put her photo on the blog(she's very shy) but till the end of the month I will have persuade her to change her mind..:)



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