Oh Happy Day!

Hey hey hey! I'm back!

Thanks to my lovely neighbor who offer me to share her internet connexion during the time we get ours.

Soo how have you been? What did i miss?

My time was pretty well spent to say the truth.

I had thursday and friday off (courtesy of Ladurée, Ha!) so i spend some time with Cécile*, went to the ambassy for my new passeport, did some stuff done and had a lot of sleep!

On week-end J.'s parents came to Paris to visit us. We show them the city and, of course, they absolutely loved it!
The wheather was absolutely gorgeous lately so we went out a lot.

I don't know if i've already told you but my office have moved. We are know just beetween Le Bon Marché  and Matignon. We have a ridiculously big (and cold!) house plus a pretty garden. I kind of like the new place exept that the walls are glass and we can see (and hear) everything. I feel watched, so i have to work my ass off just as any other of my co-workers now Yuckk!

Oh, and i'm almost certain than fall have officially begin...

Here are a few pics (and more to come) :


                                                         Oh, don't pay attention, today was laundry day...

* Miss C. will be the subject of my next post!

Ps: Yeah, we ate lots of pizza, so what? Sue me...

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