Bad Day

There is some phone calls you don't want to happend. Never.
Like this morning when my mom call me at work to tell me than my father was at the hospital.
He was admitted during the night after he fell. Again. Apparently it's the 3rd time in two weeks.
There some kind of neurological balance problem.
She didn't know much more at the time and promise to call me right after had spoke to the doctors.
I was freaked like hell.
I couldn't help it and began to cry. It is just horrible to being far from family in moment like that.
You imagined unspeakable things and it's just awful...

After a while i came back to my desk and manage somehow to continue to work until hearing my mom's back.
And apprently they want to keep him for two whole weeks for making plenty of tests.
I hope, I beg and i pray than there's anything serious.

It's a good thing that i was planning to come home for the long week-end. I'm going to spend some time with him. I talk to him on the phone and he was feeling tired, confused and he surely wasn't happy to be at the hospital but he sounded pretty much like himself which is a really good thing, right?

I mean, he is my father, and father are rock. and i really need my rock right now.....

If you're feeling up to it, would you mind keeping my dad in your thought and prayers?
We could use them right about now.


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