David Dewey's finished watercolor.

We go off to paint

And I...

Go off to eat...

Seeking refuge from the sun at Waterman's Beach Lobster...

I only admired the strawberry-rhubarb pies...

Crit time with David at 4...

Melissa Granger painted my lobster!

Madeleine Boucher painted the seascape...

Shirley Cook's thumbnail...

Shirley Cook's finished painting reminded me of this Sir William Russell Flint beach painting on the cover...

Shirley's mini paintbox! No wonder.

Bob Schweizer got the boat perfectly.

Kathe McCoy's thumbnails nail it.My thumbies...

My finished painting (after 3 re-dos)...
If you go to Waterman's Beach whatever you do, do NOT MISS the
ROUND TOP ICE CREAM!!! mon deux I tried coffee, ginger, black raspberry.

Later on at the Farnsworth museum - this Alex Katz painting. Was he at Waterman Beach Lobsters too?


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