
My Mum is missing, my sweet little mummy!

I have no idea how or where she is. Crazy right?

We were supposed to go see them (her, my step-father and my little sister) in the south for the long week-end of July 14th but then for some reason we didn't went and since even a week before that, No news. So strange...
I try to call but her phone is off. I try to think that she have soooooo much fun that she completely forgets to call her loving child altough that possibility is real slim.
I try to not freaking out, she is probably fine and spend some good vacations under the great french riviera sun, but still!

Note for her (Who knows? Maybe she is reading my blog) :
It is not cool to that to your girl Mother!
And specially when your 50th birthday is coming in a few days, you should know better!

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