I See The Rose Tea...

Comptoir Richard Rose Tea, watercolor on Etsy, 9"x11"


Friday we were wiggling our toes in the hot pool so we forgot to post...ahem

But nevermind BEAR has been busy busy busy.
Busy making setups for me to paint...
Bleu willow Rose Tea, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"
Besides Marie wanted to know where the rose bud tea came from...

I see the rose tea and it looks like a bunch of tiny rosebuds bunched together. Is it one of those flower teas or is it actually roses that open to make the tea?
It's from Fauchon in Paris and I have an old jar of withered buds still...
Comptoir Richard has rose bud tea too...

Pink Peony, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"


Red Rose macaron, watercolor on Etsy, 9" x 11"


I We plan to do more 'rose' shopping whilst in Paris next month...


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