Parisien Working Dogs

Foret Noire Salon de The,9" x 11"
Something you see all over Paris are working dogs...
They are guarding bistros...
And cafes - have you seen this little hard worker on the corner of rue de Buci? He's (she?) always there...
Double guards on duty watching the girls go by...
Is that allowed?
A chic Marais shop dog guards from the inside...
The night watchman on patrol!
He's eyeballed me. Uh oh...

This hound is guarding her mistress' baguettes.
Don't touch/ne touche pas!
An antique watch dog...
Goyard has this fausse metal hound on offer...
More and more NO DOGS allowed signs in Paris...
WOOF! How do you say woof in French?
PB reader, Anne Mathieu sent in this photo of Paris Bull Dogs on Bvd. St-Germaine des Prés
(This is a repost from 2007)
BONJOUR Ouah-Ouah!!

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