school bites, that's why you need a good skincare routine

Hey all,
I'm still working on the magazine entry....let's all hope that this works out. *nervous laugh* summer semester started this week. I can't tell you enough how unenthusiastic I am about this. I don't have any of the books I need, I'm definitely not in school mode...but whatever, I'm going to tough this out and just get it over with! I'm getting all of the hard stuff out of the way.

So while I've been working on the magazine entry, and stressing about school, and eating way too much food I've also been getting steadily more and more obsessed with makeup and skincare. My Mom always stressed to me how important it was to take care of my skin, but I've recently gotten obsessive about it in the last 2 or 3 years. And I've been watching makeup and skincare videos and I have a skincare routine that hasn't made my pores any less gigantic, but definitely leaves my skin clean and soooooooo soft. My face is so baby soft, it's unbelievable. I daydreamed for a little bit one day and when I snapped back into reality I realized I had been stroking my face. Creepy...but, it's nice to know that I have baby soft skin!

I have oily skin (not too oily, but just enough to not be considered dry or combination or normal) and I learned that the best thing to cleanse oily skin is actually an oil cleanser. I don't have any oil cleansers, but the next thing closest to that is the Burt's Bees Soap Bark & Chamomile Deep Cleansing Cream that I have. It has a lot of natural oils in its' ingredient list. I learned that I had been using the cream cleanser wrong. I was using it as a soap and I would wet it and rub it between my hands and then slather it on my face and wash it off.

I learned that for the cleanser to be effective I had to massage it into my face (especially the congested areas like your chin or the t-zone area) and then bring up the oils with water and a soft washcloth. I don't have a facial washcloth because I like using my hands so I clean off the residue of the cream cleanser with Phisoderm's Anti-blemish gel facial wash. Gel facial washes are veryyyy good for oily skin and the combo of the cream cleanser with the gel wash really leaves my skin clean. I've never felt my skin this clean before. It is recommended to use a toner to roung out your cleansing routine but I'm too lay to buy a toner. Rose water and Witchhael are recommended. Toners with alcohol are too stripping. When I get a toner I'll tell you how that works out for me.

I also exfoliate twice a week and use a pore cleansing mask twice a week. I use L'oreal Active Daily Moisture Lotion for all skin types and CG Smoothers Aqua tinted moisturizer every morning and PreVentin-AT Skin Brightener for the Face every night.

Having relatively good skin is amazing. It gives you confidence and it's nice not to have to worry about your face all the time. Us girls have too many things to worry about. received another award! I can't believe it, I feel so loved.

Thanks so much to Halie at for the award.

The rules: 1. Put the award in a post as soon as you receive it. 2. Don’t forget to mention the person who gives you the award. 3. Answer the award’s question by writing why you love blogging. 4. Tag and distribute the award to as many people as you like. 5. Don’t forget to notify the award receivers by commenting on their blogs.

Why do I love blogging? I love blogging because I love writing and I get to write about whatever I want to on my blog. One of my greatest loves is fashion. I love the art of enhancing people's natural beauty through clothes and I loved seeing well dressed people. Blogging allows me to meet interesting, beautiful (inside and out), and motivated people and is a great escape from my daily trials.
I'm tagging:
I'm too lazy to make them! they're famous :)

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