Saturday Night Lives

Hi Everyone,

As i was sure i would, i spent a reallyyyy nice week-end so far (and the best is yet to come**)

On friday night, J. come picked me up at work,  we went to grab a Subway and see Captain America. To tell the truth there was much better movie but we really wanted to see a 3D. So...

On Saturday, we took long naps, watch Love Actually (for the first time! and i loved it!
It's a real "Feel-good-movie"), we ate home made hot-dogs and we went to see a Street Art  & Body Painting Show.
It was fun to see all those creatives soul.

And then we went to take a walk and completed the night by a nice glass of wine on the docks, under the stars.

And Today**, we going to ROCK EN SEINE Baby!!!!!

So excited!! It was sold out for weeks now but our roomates had us tickets for the day.

We will see : Lily Wood and The Prick, The Vaccines, Miles Kane, Deftones, Anna Calvi and most of All Lykke Li!! I LOVE HER!

I love pretty much everything she does. I Can't wait   :)

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